
Showing posts from 2019


Don't cry again. It really hurts me to hear you cry, You should remember that those eyes shouldn't be sad. There is a promise to use those beautiful eyes to watch the sunset. With those awesome eyes, the world around will be deeply appreciated. Don't cry again. Am willing to give anything to see you smile. Am scared and sometimes afraid that I've broken every rule, But how do I see you sad needing my love? Then I hold it back. Don't cry again. If it's for hope,  I've choosen to bind it around my waist. I don't know how providence made our path cross. But in the million beauties the world can birth, You are the most beautiful. Don't cry again Crystal, Let nothing deprive you of your joy. The future whispers that it's possible. Satan would not ruin our tomorrow. The Lord's mercy we rely on. Don't cry again. Am getting impatient, but God demands we strive lawfully. Don&#


There is nothing to write; This mind is tired of any fight; It whispers rest it is night; But there is this feeling that something is not right. There is nothing to write; Yet the will is being stired for a fight; It counsels strike just at night; When it feels that things are just right. There is nothing  to write; Yet the pen swings left and then right; I use my thoughts to light up the night; Hopefully my draft brings end to all fight. There is really nothing to write; I hope the strokes are really all right; Sleep encourages me to lay still coz it's night; Tomorrow we would pick up a new fight. Good Night Hagia Sophia wrote


Smile, there is nothing to gain if you don't put your cheek muscles to positive work. Smile, there is a storm coming and there is nothing to be scared of. Smile, the world rushes on but my will steadies on. Smile, tomorrow brings it's share of turmoil howbeit my heart pants not. Oh Smile, the world is ours for the taking. Discouraged and in despair, dare a smile. Beaten and broken, dare a smile. Tired and taken, dare a smile. Weary and worn out, dare a smile. Fainting and famished, dare a smile. My smile, is my treasure for the moment. My smile, bubbles of hope breaking forth. My smile, your smile, summer sun in a cold winter. My smile, affections of love. My Smile, beautiful isn't it? Smile on! 01-05-2019


O my friend, there is a bright future ahead, A crispy sunshine tomorrow, The saucy taste of the an aroma filled better days. The future sings "Jesus you love me too much ooo", While stoking the flames to prepare a spicy indomie of hope. The pepper is much, but the pleasure is sure. My fingers trembled as I wrote this earlier, It's a short one, a promise to keep. However, it's a sure fact that; Tomorrow we will smile, Tomorrow we will sing of God's glory and faithfulness plus mercies. O my friend, tomorrow we will dance for joy. Joy unspeakable with smiles from a bountiful heart. All this, if God permits. Now my friend, be grateful for yesterday and today, But tomorrow is for the better. PAWA (Smiles) -----------


Torn in between and desperate for redemption. What Redemption? The redeemers redemption. The redeemers help, strength and grace. Help is the call of the feeble. Please is the cry of the weak. Save is the yearnings of the worthless. Have thine own way, just lemme dwell in thine peace. Physical strength is vain, Physical will is false, Enveloped in thy feathers and locked in thy warmth. Desperate but determined. Let Faith prevail over them all. Amen!

Atheism: One's belief in a Personal God

Yup, it's a beautiful morning. And my country would be voting soon. I pray God gives us a good president. Amen! My heart is lifted in absolute thanks to God Almighty. All things works and are working together for good. But you know, however worrisome the thoughts are, I kinda feel inclined to ask in retrospects... If religious adherents choose to believe a god (the audacity of hoping even against all odds), where does atheist draw their hope from? God, that mystical mystery that is the beginning but has no end. It difficult how not it is to believe in him. Our world is a wide, weird and sentimental one. So if we aren't gonna believe in a god, then life complex abstractions remains abstract. But you know, in retrospect I just figured out that people (consciously or unconsciously) got something they believe in that rationalizes their fear of the unimaginable. Maybe it is true after-all that atheism is not the disbelief in gods or denial of gods, it is the lack of beli

Pain, a likely desire to feel

Hey, I really just got into blogging. After about a while of inaction. I have come to agree that "WHY" is a rhetoric, philosophical word, that we most times don't know "why the why". Maybe that is why we work so hard and long. We want to create a dream that births another dream and another one. Yea, that is it! Life a cycle of endless dreams. But if dreams are meant to be birthed and fulfilled, then why do some lose theirs in prime? Every work and prayer suddenly coming to a halt. The closer it was yesterday, the further it is today. One dream begins the cycle. Matt wants to get into college to pursue a career. Matt gets into college, he works hard to come out tops. Matt comes out tops and gets his dream job. Matt gets married to the dream love of his life. Matt becomes an expectant father. But! That but that births a why. Matt is suddenly gunned down in the grocery store on his way back from the dream job. Dream dreams ends. Whether its love,money, family