It was execution day,
Silence filled the prison room.
The rough - looking guards arrived
As they mumbled all sorts of curses
''You thief, when you get to your grave, steal more''
Fear captured the young convict,
As he marched in chains to the tree
''I thought we were two''
''This third man doesn't look like us''
He thought to himself
''But He seems to be the most persecuted''
Now they were on the tree,
Facing the mocking crowd.
As they waited for death's arrival,
Just then,
A dialouge ensued.
He rebuked his partner,
Who hurt the Saviour with his words and unbelief
''Lord'', He said afterwards
''I want to be with you, when we leave this realm''
In a moment,
An eternal destiny
Turned around entirely.
It was a Prison to Paradise transition
Meanwhile, his partner had missed paradise
From the saviour's side.
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