With sack for clothes
And the hard floor as beds
We, the slaves have come to see life
Never as a bed of roses
We hear our names been called
We play the deaf ear
All to spite our master
We discuss them behind their backs
And wish for ways the table could turn
These masters of ours
They spite and chide us
Accuse us when things go all wrong
Our statement are taken as alibi
“They are all liars” The mistress adds
The new dawn came when a new slave was bought
A man who was once free
His shoulders were squared as he looked our masters
in the face
He brought with him hope
A hope of freedom
A life we thought could only happen in God’s kingdom
A day we would be free
When our defences would not be counted as Alibi
We gathered to hear him speak
When we were sure our masters were deep in their
Excitement seeped through our bones
As his many words delighted our hearts
And a liberation plan was hatched
One Morning, He was summoned
A traitor-slave told the masters of the several
He was taken to the dungeons
By men and their heavy guns.
Food starved, beaten and battered
Finally given an open trial before all
To serve as a warning for other slaves
He said many words to deny the accusation
Most which was just alibi.
His case was decided
Beheading was the price to pay
As I stared him hard in the face
His emotions weren’t even stirred
And his shoulders still squared
The axe was raised quickly
And I looked down at his lifeless body lying at my
*This peom won 2nd place in the Prof Jimoh/ILUMSA
Talent Hunt 2016.
Hagia Sophia!
culled from
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