MEN AT WORK They made fuel scarce liquids in tanks, we cant drive always, lest death claim lives, in the sweetest part of our prime. The made rice an expensive food, we cant eat it always, lest we suffer from Beri-Beri, with our curable drugs for the belly. They made dollars sprinters in sloppy lanes, we cant travel always lest we become free refugees in the camp of our foreign enemies. They made suffering dignity in labour, we cant suffer always, lest we become proud mortals, and our eyes turn away from the creator. They made power supply dead in darkness, we cant have power always, lest we forget beauty of the night, as routine call of our bed rests. They made prices of goods keep rising, we can buy always, lest we dampen bargaining spirit, of our rising wise spending. They made endless crises a noble parley, we hear cries always, lest peace and unity deletes, from common dictionary of our mind. They made saints leaders from their entities, ...