
Showing posts from December, 2019


Don't cry again. It really hurts me to hear you cry, You should remember that those eyes shouldn't be sad. There is a promise to use those beautiful eyes to watch the sunset. With those awesome eyes, the world around will be deeply appreciated. Don't cry again. Am willing to give anything to see you smile. Am scared and sometimes afraid that I've broken every rule, But how do I see you sad needing my love? Then I hold it back. Don't cry again. If it's for hope,  I've choosen to bind it around my waist. I don't know how providence made our path cross. But in the million beauties the world can birth, You are the most beautiful. Don't cry again Crystal, Let nothing deprive you of your joy. The future whispers that it's possible. Satan would not ruin our tomorrow. The Lord's mercy we rely on. Don't cry again. Am getting impatient, but God demands we strive lawfully. Don&#


There is nothing to write; This mind is tired of any fight; It whispers rest it is night; But there is this feeling that something is not right. There is nothing to write; Yet the will is being stired for a fight; It counsels strike just at night; When it feels that things are just right. There is nothing  to write; Yet the pen swings left and then right; I use my thoughts to light up the night; Hopefully my draft brings end to all fight. There is really nothing to write; I hope the strokes are really all right; Sleep encourages me to lay still coz it's night; Tomorrow we would pick up a new fight. Good Night Hagia Sophia wrote