
Showing posts from 2016


MEN AT WORK They made fuel scarce liquids in tanks, we cant drive always, lest death claim lives, in the sweetest part of our prime. The made rice an expensive food, we cant eat it always, lest we suffer from Beri-Beri, with our curable drugs for the belly. They made dollars sprinters in sloppy lanes, we cant travel always lest we become free refugees in the camp of our foreign enemies. They made suffering dignity in labour, we cant suffer always, lest we become proud mortals, and our eyes turn away from the creator. They made power supply dead in darkness, we cant have power always, lest we forget beauty of the night, as routine call of our bed rests. They made prices of goods keep rising, we can buy always, lest we dampen bargaining spirit, of our rising wise spending. They made endless crises a noble parley, we hear cries always, lest peace and unity deletes, from common dictionary of our mind. They made saints leaders from their entities,


Strive Harder. Dig Deeper. Work Smarter. Jump Higher. Spill Over, Roll Over, But dont give up-er Hagia Encourages!


THE HOPE With sack for clothes And the hard floor as beds We, the slaves have come to see life Never as a bed of roses We hear our names been called We play the deaf ear All to spite our master We discuss them behind their backs And wish for ways the table could turn These masters of ours They spite and chide us Accuse us when things go all wrong Our statement are taken as alibi “They are all liars” The mistress adds The new dawn came when a new slave was bought A man who was once free His shoulders were squared as he looked our masters in the face He brought with him hope A hope of freedom A life we thought could only happen in God’s kingdom A day we would be free When our defences would not be counted as Alibi We gathered to hear him speak When we were sure our masters were deep in their sleeps Excitement seeped through our bones As his many words delighted ou
WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF They ask what sugar has made of I ask if they’ve ever seen her smile I wanted to know If they’ve seen the power of softness Happiness dissolving on the lips. Before the man confessed he fell He first started to slip And when the dreams came He discovered he is still not asleep I know they have questions But it is hard to share visions It is easy to follow visuals Flow with the tide And be led deep into the oceans It’s easy to look into her eyes And describe your future Because Your words hence Are seen to be filled with confidence Acting so cool As warmth becomes heat in a tropical continent When joy emerges from a soul It begins to isolate It places you on a tree And makes you see life going on down below You might be bellowed at Someone somewhere telling you to please be awake To not fall into the mud To always be conscious of what is at stake And then she tells them This
He that fears something, gives it power over him. Fear; brittle agitation, sore trepidation. It has a way of emptying courage, Fear; Forget Everything And Run. Crunchy Images, desperate awareness, Sight on the sides, hope on the precipice. Recall your failures, remember your defeat, Tears: Can I find solace in hell, Hell No! Fire burns Courage. Fear; Face Everything And Rise. Till death do apart. HAGIA SOPHIA
TENDRILS OF DREAMS In a foreign land Stranger here I stand On tendrils of dreams And sinking sand. Not knowing left from right They say its not by power or might. Where do I find refuge from fear? Where do I go from here? by INCREASE NATHANIEL

Uniquely ME

Uniquely ME Who am I? What defines ‘ME’ or My life? Now, then, or soon to be? My hopes, dreams and fears? Do they really define ‘ME?’ No others eye can feel or see What is on the inside of ME. I am a million pieces A puzzle that’s for sure Even I don’t have the picture Of who, I was before. All those pieces! Not sure if I have lost a one or two For try as I might, Some of those pieces Just won’t fit together anymore. You think YOU have problems! Where did I leave ME behind? I’m on the inside looking out But, all I see is YOU And YOU, I cannot tell, Are YOU like ME? Can YOU weave words like a seamstress? Or know the colours of the morning dew? No, WE are not like, For I am Uniquely ME. Me, I am free and unrestrained Me, I can create colours in the rain Or catch the breeze off mountain tops You see, I am, uniquely ME. MY path is set and following I walk Putting pebbles to mark the trail, Just in case I
July 17, 1996: A woman mourns in memory of her friends she lost of TWA Flight 800 Pain is a god Pain is a god, Questions it asks not. Choice it cares not. Who can predict its call to grass? Depict its knock on mortal. Volition it has monotony. Pain the tremor of the Inevitable, Pain a sigh to relish, Pain, O Mortal Man when will you judge this enemy? Pain…Necessity call. Pain Laughs at the godly, MOCKS THE PRAYERS OF THE SAINTLY. SINNERS OR SAINTS, PAIN IS A REWARD. POWER OF WILL, POWER IS THE GAME CHANGER. PAIN A TICK OF MORTAL. CLUTCHING AND CHEWING, LONG AS THE BREATH REMAINS. RUN TO THE MOUNTAINS, PAIN IS THE SHADOW. PAIN AN ATTRIBUTE OF LIFE. BUT WHY? Hagia sophia
Poetry of Lost Kingdoms: Curse of Babylon 1                                           Recourse:  Queen of the night (Babylon) Bibilani Biblani; the gate of gods Capital of Babylonia, Threshold of godlessness. Notorious in Mesopotamia, Crested in the fertile breasts of Tigris and Euphrates. Bibilani Biblani; O confused Babel! Remember the seed of Hammurabi, Dynasty of the first Amorite, Sumu-abum 1894 BC, Sargon, heir of ambition, Height of power 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar II, son of the soil. Babili Babili, doomed for eternity. Recourse: Lion of Babylon Prophecies of Isaiah, son of Amos; Babylon, a Jewel of Kingdoms, The glory of the Babylonians pride, Will be overthrown by God. Like Sodom and Gomorrah. She will never be inhabited, Or lived in through all the generations; No Arab will pitch its tent there, No shepherd will rest his
The Sunset at Midday The Sunset at midday; When met dances wantonly, Darkness trump over light, Obscurity over illumination, Shebi, Life is just one… Abegi, live it to the fullest, Disdain the call of the creature, Sobriety burn in Hades, Vanity sway, deliciously seductive. The Sunsets at midday; When ambition crushes brotherhood, Greed, deceit will not truth dare, Hearts of wine, love for sex, Will the grave remember you, So much joy as hell welcomes you? When the Sunsets at midday, Hope is lost, vision countdown, Coz, how trivial you misjudged time. Remember the creator in the days of thine youth, Lest the sunsets at midday, Lest the moon darkens, Lest the ocean flies, Lest the stars fall, Lest nature judge you unkind. Lest eternity judge you unfair. Hagia-Sophia!!! I.G: asotah_wisdom


  Immensi tremore oceani who will teach my children Archimedes, tel’ them that life will seek to submerge them wholly or partially in mud, urine and feaces; but remember, there’ll always be an upthrust obrying the laws of physics. You see on this verso side of life, fishes drown in their failed attempt to swim, here it is a taboo to dream, and visions are not captured on the eye’s white film; we the troubadours must sail home on an upturned canoe down the meandering stream. Immensi tremore oceani; who will be their John unworthy yet to baptise God’s only begotten son? Tell them that snails too may bear horns, and only the righteous-blind will see at midnight the rising sun; its always darkest before the dawn. You see life will seek to set your ship on fire, using an array of mirrors at auto-ignition temperature. But before you burn, you must make your tombs surmounted by a sphere inscribed within a cylinder, make a perfect circle from every given trian
Vulture waiting for the boy to die.... Location: Sudan, outside the Food and Grains warehouse, received as humanitarian aid Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Stench of Pain, Torturer of the child, Captures the innocent, Binds the righteous. Death! Death! Death! Powers of the grave… Dance of ghosts, Visions of hell. Death! Death! Death! What’s your cause? Sickness or Pain? Hunger or Famine? Accident or Old age? Death! Death! Death! Destiny of all creatures, Wish to be fulfilled, Will not disobeyed, Hope of all. Death! Death! Death! Painful in experience, Hopeful, he can pass away, Nothing can be done, Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Appreciate the moment, Cherish the seconds, Live godly!
Tremors of Hope…. Who can save? Tick tack, Tick tack; The Clock is a goddess, Quietness, trembling stillness cloaks her presence. Tick tack, tick tack; Moment bows at her command, Patience is no friend of her, Anxiously, anxiety bids her bidding. Tick tack, tick tack; The windows are mirrors of incantations, Every look looks for relief. Tick tack, tick tack; No-belief mocks belief, Fate taunts faith, Did I not tell you, it screams hysterically? Abracabra, the gods are silent, Prayer has lost his whim…. Tremors of hope; Let desperation not win its war over me, Alas, only can time can indeed save.