WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF They ask what sugar has made of I ask if they’ve ever seen her smile I wanted to know If they’ve seen the power of softness Happiness dissolving on the lips. Before the man confessed he fell He first started to slip And when the dreams came He discovered he is still not asleep I know they have questions But it is hard to share visions It is easy to follow visuals Flow with the tide And be led deep into the oceans It’s easy to look into her eyes And describe your future Because Your words hence Are seen to be filled with confidence Acting so cool As warmth becomes heat in a tropical continent When joy emerges from a soul It begins to isolate It places you on a tree And makes you see life going on down below You might be bellowed at Someone somewhere telling you to please be awake To not fall into the mud To always be conscious of what is at stake And then she tells them This...