
Showing posts from April, 2020


Come let's reason together. What's the plea? What's the situation? What ails you? Come let's reason together. Be plain with me; I'm all ears. I'm aware of your aches, But I want to hear you talk to me. Come let's reason together. I've made lots of promises and still do. Which do you want to remind me of? I can't deny my words, you should know that. Come now my beloved. It's important to me that you know; that all I have belongs to you. It's more important that you know how to get them from me. (ISAIAH 1:18) Sapphire


From the dawn to the dark, the fullness of your mercy rules. The grace you've given waves its hands in praise, as it welcomes the lost back home. The water drops from the damp leaves, stirs the calm stream, the way your Spirit stirs our hearts in worship. Sweet smelling savours, rising from the dwellings of your people are your favourite. O! how you delight in man more than angels. As the day draws to a close, I recount the every step you took with me and every word you said to me. All I can say is ''LORD, YOU MADE MY DAY'' Sapphire


I was in a pit when you picked me up. In the darkness, I sought help but found none. Just then, your love found me. You set me on a track, With your foot prints pointing me to you. Surely I won't miss my way. 'Cause you lead me. You put your word in my heart. And speak your mind  through my mouth. You assure me of a better day. Your peace is my strength. I've told you all i had done, But you delight in this fresh start. Its been an amazing ride, As we share our burdens together. You're my best friend. (ISAIAH 43:1) Sapphire


The last of eight able - bodied men, A ruddy young man, Who in years to come Would be described as A man after God's heart, Left the house as usual. Happily, he sang As he led his father's flock For their nourishment. Now settled, He took out His harp And kept himself busy, While they grazed. Mer-Mer, was the cry of  a lamb Caught by a bear. The predator ran ahead And this hero followed it. Yea, yesterday, He had just killed a lion. Long story short, The bear is down too. The scattered flock Had reassembled. They really had a shepherd. As they returned home, Reflections gave way to a Psalm, ''THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD'' Sapphire


Job was his name. ''Perfect'' was the word For this noble and God-fearing man, Who had everything, He ever needed. He was very popular In the 3rd heavens, 'Cause the King couldn't help But tell the host about him. Just then, The common enemy, Came around. And happily left with an assignment, To steal, destroy but not kill. Patience gave way to endurance, Tears and words of agony sufficed. But it was clear, God was Job's choice. In His tenderness, The King reached out, And with His eyes full of pity, He spoke And the old gave way for the new. Job was his name. (JAMES 5:11) Sapphire


Ever felt frustrated, When you couldn't connect Your now and tommorrow? Ever felt bloated, With uncertainties, And many questions in your heart? Its not out of place, I tell you. You're just being human. Proving the more, How limited you are. Next time you feel that way, And your thoughts get hooked, Not able to go back or forth, Remember someone knows past Those thoughts of yours. Its Jesus ofcourse. But i tell you, You don't need to wait to get hooked. When you remember those uncertainties, Don't analyse them, Tell it to Jesus, And hear what he has to say. Sapphire

TROUBLES- Opportunities for more depth

There's the deer,  Panting ! In desperate search of water. The sun's at the center of the sky, And the shades are sparse. Which is worse? There's  water, At a corner, It moves towards it and, Voom! Its gulping like never before. Life has returned. This can keep him for the next journey. Here's you, In a state of dilema, With your strength failing, And every wall crumbling before you! Your soul seeks comfort. Here's the inference, More water is taken in thirst! Its an avenue to slow down And turn to God wholly. Gulp all the fullness you can And be strengthened for the ride! Sapphire


Grace was a whole new transition, From fear to faith, From a compulsory worship, To a love-driven one. From death to life in the spirit. From fetters of law to freedom in Christ. Grace had its arms stretched out, Like a father to his toddler. Giving free access rather than a thick veil Grace points to righteousness, One gained by belief and not work Grace finds the sinner. It keeps him, It leads him through the narrow road, And will finally open the pearly gates to him. Sapphire


Can we say He's unjust? After the first man was made so comfortable But traded his home, For wandering and toiling? Can we say He's unjust? When  He drove man From eating the eternal fruit, Cause man would have dwelt Immortally, in sin and sorrow? Can we say He's unjust? That He sort several ways To bring us to himself? Even the prophets had the tidings On their lips And the people waited earnestly for the promise. Can we say He's unjust? That after he had come, The people still expected another? Yet, His life was lost on a tree, For the sake of an undeserved love? Can we say He's unjust, After he had gone through all, All that had befallen man, And has become that high priest Calling us into His rest? Yet, our yokes we still carry (Matt.11:28-30) Sapphire


It was spoken, It was received, It yielded the expected results We learnt it was a person The word ''Let us'', Proved this person was there at the begining. Nothing was made without Him But He proceeded from the father Who means all he says. And what he says, Is exactly this person Word made flesh. The Father lifted this word, Above whatever we call Him Because situations and victories Gave Him those names But His word is unconditional It has proven itself to be reliable We've been told severally, That if we must triumph Over the darkness of this world, We need knowledge, The Knowledge of the WORD. Sapphire


It was execution day, Silence filled the prison room. The rough - looking guards arrived As they mumbled all sorts of curses ''You thief, when you get to your grave, steal more'' Fear captured the young convict, As he marched in chains to the tree ''I thought we were two'' ''This third man doesn't look like us'' He thought to himself ''But He seems to be the most persecuted'' Now they were on the tree, Facing the mocking crowd. As they waited for death's arrival, Just then, A dialouge ensued. He rebuked his partner, Who hurt the Saviour with his words and unbelief ''Lord'', He said afterwards ''I want to be with you, when we leave this realm'' In a moment, An eternal destiny Turned around entirely. It was a Prison to Paradise transition Meanwhile, his partner had missed paradise From the saviour's side. Sapphire


Zinny That's what I call her Dark and comely lady. Everything welcoming, Right from the first day The mind within, Is a boiling pot with a billion potentials If you talk about imaginations That's her language Peace and quiet Remains her choice atmosphere A friendly smile will always spring out Even in the face of uncertainty If you love Zinny,  give her gists Zinny is lovely, Zinny is grace Zinny is obsessed with God Zinny is everything a mother Zinny loves to do shakara Sapphire


Words, Then statements. Lines of promises, Paragraphs of precepts, Books of biographies, Of the faithful and the fallen Displays of wrath, And those of love. Step by step detail, On prosperity, of the soul and health The fall of the first man, And the victory of his 2nd The slaughter of beasts, And of the woman's seed. The stripes of the martyrs,  Imprisonments and deliverances. The water turned wine And the new tongues after an encounter The prophetic utterances And their fulfillments The army from lifeless bones. The rewards, The coming of the King... Sapphire


Hey! Today as always, I write my love letter To the Ancient of days Because: The dawning sky, The bold star, The lunar moon, The spring flower, The  sunset, A child's giggle And  all my favourites,  Continually speak Of His beauty Sapphire


Words, Then statements. Lines of promises, Paragraphs of precepts, Books of biographies, Of the faithful and the fallen Displays of wrath, And those of love. Step by step detail, On prosperity, of the soul and health The fall of the first man, And the victory of his 2nd The slaughter of beasts, And of the woman's seed. The stripes of the martyrs,  Imprisonments and deliverances. The water turned wine And the new tongues after an encounter The prophetic utterances And their fulfillments The army from lifeless bones. The rewards, The coming of the King... Sapphire


I just want you to know, This was my best moment today. I had left my fears and doubts So i could pick up my handset I just want you to know, I'm glad I can say anything to you, And  even alter your plans, And still hear your rich laughter I just want you to know, That I've discovered something For the first time in my life, The strength of a frienship cord. I just want you to know, In this Five minutes call, I felt like we we're in space, I hope we could always feel this ftee Sapphire


Promises, Heart wishes to be kept, But to another. Trust, The gift for a few, Anchor in the midst of doubts. Commitment, Goes beyond an agreement Its a covennant Depths, Heart yearmings, No one can farthom Friendship, A walk of adventure, To find promises, trust ,commitment and depths Sapphire


Dear Paraclete, Say those soothing words again To my soul I need all the insight i can get Blow into my mind All the peace it needs As you've always done Please, guide me Sapphire


You know,  The best way to live Is to live by the  golden rule ''Love God and then your neighbor But until you learn to, you can't. Love is received, Then its learnt and practiced Because,its the opposite of the human nature to love As God shows us love We are to gladly receive it. Next, we watch his daily acts of love, We search the scriptures for past love displays, And we see that love isn't an abstract concept But a personality that received its name As we get enlightened, We strengthen this knowledge by reciprocating, First to He who has taught us And then, to those we claim don't deserve it  Loving you neighbor, Is another sweet one With this straightforward hint ''Just the way you like it, treat this person same.'' Do remember to keep your mind in check; As you put on a balance, what you deserve and how much love God keeps releasing your way. Just so you don't think you've given so much Barrister Paul


When "x" laughs with you, but hates you in the heart. When "y" says 'I love you', but plots your death. When "z" blesses you, but curses you under its breath. Betrayal;  a king feeds a man and feeds his wife. She sends a note "I am pregnant", Then he calls the man to a treat and takes his life. Betrayal; to say what you don't mean. To tell a lie and fake an emotion. To kiss the Lord and sell him for some silver. Who to trust then? Where to run then? Even you Brutus? Betrayal, a painful stab. Hagia Sophia


''Who  would believe this?'' Was the cry of a wondering  heart. Times ago, Long before the miracle of the world's best gift Nothing was attractive about him, So we were told But every encounter left sweetness in the lives of all concerned Who was this man exactly? The questions from the So - called law keepers, received answers that keeps us in awe. The desperate blind man, Oh! blessed was he, the saviour was the first thing he ever saw What joy the young man felt, After the dark agent had left him, Who would have known freedom was possible The scars from those tomb stones were a memorial. How sweet it was, Being the first to behold the saviour, He was yet to go to the father, remember, But, her sobs were irresistable. Compassionate saviour A group of young men, Nicknamed ''The twelve'' were not left out As they settled the cases of the widows and appointed men over the church welfare They would have recalled how their 


You see, We all have cravings. For things we can see And those imagined We all have that void, That remains unfilled Despite all we stuff ourselves up with We all have that wish One we think will never come true But, We hold on to them Just as long as we're alive We have that place We want to be at Right now, and for a long time But its fictional We are that life That is incomplete Without love A love that saturates us The one that only the maker can give loud thoughts Sapphire


SWEET HOLY SPIRIT AND THE MADE MAN The story of an ordinary man Who acquired might The source, a treasure of heavens One likened to the winds With unknown begining and destination Upon entrance A different man emerged It was an obvious change Everyone knew it But it was indescribable Nothing is inaccssible to this man Because, the treasure within  searches all things And merges his desires With the Father's WILL This treasure is a confidant Mystery unveiler, Gist partner, Teacher, Comforter Strengthener. All things are at the man's disposal  Imaginations, And Ideas unborn This treasure he's got is one fortune, Incomparable The miraculous has happened An extraordinary man Has been made. This can be your story. (EPH.3;20) Sapphire


THE BATTLE Believe in the Lord And be firm. For His prophets, Their words are true Let your heart grip them He has told us severally That peace is ours Because the battle before us, he will fight If we are truly His Fierce is this very battle But victory is sure When we shift places And Allow Him to be our captain He will arise And the enemies will take cover He will roar And swiftly they will scatter. Sapphire


HOPE IN THE DARK In this strange land, One without water, Arid winds are whistling, And dried leaves carpet the cracked ground The trees have lost their coverings. Looking up, I see the naked sky The clouds must have been tired of this scenery, Hence they moved There's no smiling sun too I smell gloom around All creature seeking comfort, From nowhere in particular. The earth even seems to be at a standstill, But a touch of the King's finger, Can bring about a fierce spin Darkness may seem to triumph, But we see Him, Who dwells in excellent light! As we behold this light, We are strengthened And we will overcome Surely, we will. Sapphire


TODAY'S A GIFT The gift of each day, Proves beyond reasonable doubt That you're not done with us yet, Maker of the ends of the earth. The dawning reminds us of your sweetness And the chirping birds, the constant praises you receive How I love your name, Excellent greatness Its so powerful yet it gladdens the heart Eternity is too small for your reign O great one Its really not enough to give you the praises befitting you Sapphire


MORNING DEW! Early in the morning, I'll join all creation To testify of your grace. You exist in timeless space Thou mighty one. Your robe is soaked in mercy, And your fragrance is of love; So strong to attract our wonder. All night you watched me Without a blink. Your presence so tender, I could feel it in my dreams Its our walk forever, Here and after. May I never wander From your fragrance, Till i behold your beauty face to face. Sapphire