
Showing posts from July, 2016
The Sunset at Midday The Sunset at midday; When met dances wantonly, Darkness trump over light, Obscurity over illumination, Shebi, Life is just one… Abegi, live it to the fullest, Disdain the call of the creature, Sobriety burn in Hades, Vanity sway, deliciously seductive. The Sunsets at midday; When ambition crushes brotherhood, Greed, deceit will not truth dare, Hearts of wine, love for sex, Will the grave remember you, So much joy as hell welcomes you? When the Sunsets at midday, Hope is lost, vision countdown, Coz, how trivial you misjudged time. Remember the creator in the days of thine youth, Lest the sunsets at midday, Lest the moon darkens, Lest the ocean flies, Lest the stars fall, Lest nature judge you unkind. Lest eternity judge you unfair. Hagia-Sophia!!! I.G: asotah_wisdom


  Immensi tremore oceani who will teach my children Archimedes, tel’ them that life will seek to submerge them wholly or partially in mud, urine and feaces; but remember, there’ll always be an upthrust obrying the laws of physics. You see on this verso side of life, fishes drown in their failed attempt to swim, here it is a taboo to dream, and visions are not captured on the eye’s white film; we the troubadours must sail home on an upturned canoe down the meandering stream. Immensi tremore oceani; who will be their John unworthy yet to baptise God’s only begotten son? Tell them that snails too may bear horns, and only the righteous-blind will see at midnight the rising sun; its always darkest before the dawn. You see life will seek to set your ship on fire, using an array of mirrors at auto-ignition temperature. But before you burn, you must make your tombs surmounted by a sphere inscribed within a cylinder, make a perfect circle from every given trian
Vulture waiting for the boy to die.... Location: Sudan, outside the Food and Grains warehouse, received as humanitarian aid Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Stench of Pain, Torturer of the child, Captures the innocent, Binds the righteous. Death! Death! Death! Powers of the grave… Dance of ghosts, Visions of hell. Death! Death! Death! What’s your cause? Sickness or Pain? Hunger or Famine? Accident or Old age? Death! Death! Death! Destiny of all creatures, Wish to be fulfilled, Will not disobeyed, Hope of all. Death! Death! Death! Painful in experience, Hopeful, he can pass away, Nothing can be done, Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Appreciate the moment, Cherish the seconds, Live godly!
Tremors of Hope…. Who can save? Tick tack, Tick tack; The Clock is a goddess, Quietness, trembling stillness cloaks her presence. Tick tack, tick tack; Moment bows at her command, Patience is no friend of her, Anxiously, anxiety bids her bidding. Tick tack, tick tack; The windows are mirrors of incantations, Every look looks for relief. Tick tack, tick tack; No-belief mocks belief, Fate taunts faith, Did I not tell you, it screams hysterically? Abracabra, the gods are silent, Prayer has lost his whim…. Tremors of hope; Let desperation not win its war over me, Alas, only can time can indeed save.
RESPECT "ELIE WIESEL"...Words on Marble “We must always take sides. Neutrality “Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.” “No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them.” “ The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, its indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, its indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, its indifference.” “Think higher, feel deeper.” “No human being is illegal.” “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” “One person of integrity can make a difference.” “When a person doesn’t have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attit
JULIUS MENSIS July, First born among the six, Perfect in the duodecim. July, Saint of wetness, Knight of newness. July, Month of Caesar, Emperor of them all. July, Scarlet of beauty, Appreciate its beginning, Expect its challenges, Relish its victories.